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Get firsthand experience working with TASA staff and learn about the behind-the-scenes of your favorite TASA events!


Interning with TASA is the easiest way to explore roles and responsibilities within TASA staff while also contributing back to the club's community and members! Whether you're interested in running for a full-year staff position or simply passionate about TASA and eager to help out, here's why you should consider applying to become a TASA intern!

Intern applications closed for 2024! Please check back next year!

Intern Program

TASA Interns Class of 2023

Intern Testimonials

Charliene Lien

Charliene Lien

Intern class of 2021-2022

Being a tasa intern was one of the coolest experiences I've ever been a part of at UCSB. Not only was I able to meet some of my closest friends, but I was also able to learn how TASA runs their events behind the scenes. My favorite part of it all was the ability to express my creativity in a productive and fun environment towards exciting events such as night market and the intern event (Nin-TASA Olympics). Being an intern has inspired me to continue to work on cool projects for the community as a tasa staff member!

Justin Lang

Justin Lang

Intern class of 2021-2022

At first I was a little hesitant to apply, since I was unsure if I would be accepted as part of the intern team. However, in the end I decided to give it a shot and I’m so thankful that I did. The intern program gave me a deep insight into how TASA staff works in the background and also gave me the opportunity to create my closest friends I have in UCSB! Even during the busiest moments during the intern program, I still had so much fun because we weren't just working as a team, but as friends.

Winbert Zhang

Winbert Zhang

Intern class of 2021-2022

My TASA intern experience was really rewarding as I got a chance to work with a group of passionate individuals to create events for our community. I was able to learn a lot about the inner workings of TASA and the amount of effort that goes into planning events. I also got to meet a lot of new people and make new friends. My favorite projects were working on the 2022 TASA Merch and helping plan the Night Market! Overall, I had a great time and would definitely recommend applying to be an intern!